Monday, August 31, 2015


Here is a beautiful young woman who's face was rescued by our SOOTHE regimen. Her name is Cassandra Lane Spann - you can find her on fb. Here's her story:

"As you all know, I'm a Rodan and Fields consultant and I really believe in the products, but I haven't told you why I believe in them. For about 2 years I have suffered with something called perioral dermatitis which is a big red angry rash all over the bottom half of my face. I used to get small flare ups all the time but in summer of 2014 my rash took over my entire face and it destroyed my self esteem. I refused to go anywhere other than work or my house. IT WAS TERRIBLE. I tried everything you could imagine from home remedies to expensive prescriptions, but it would not go away! I was on antibiotics for months which helped a small bit, but every time I put makeup or any type of face wash/moisturizer, my skin would go crazy. FINALLY I was introduced to Rodan and Fields. I was so hesitant to try anything else because my skin literally tolerated NOTHING. Within a couple weeks of using the Soothe regimen (and taking antibiotics as well) my rash was GONE. Yes, I said it COMPLETELY GONE. I decided to put it to an even further test and stopped taking my antibiotics. In the past when I stopped taking antibiotics my rash came back and also pretty consistent small acne breakouts. I've been off antibiotics for 5 months now and I haven't seen one tiny spec of rash or acne on my face! I've had ZERO BREAKOUTS of any kind and I'm not even using the acne regimen!!!! My skin has also improved in sensitivity 100 percent. It never breaks out even when I use the intense microdermabrasion exfoliation paste which I could NEVER have even thought about using 6 months ago because it was just out of the question. All in all, my skin is 100 percent better and I will never ever use anything else. Rodan and Fields saved my skin and I hope you give it the chance to save yours too!"

Message me if you know someone that's going through hard times with their skin. SOOTHE and the other R+F regimens are helping so many people! It won't hurt to try. Let me know!

Here is fellow consultant, Mercedes Nikole Kling's baby boy at 5 months old. Poor little guy had extremely sensitive & irritated skin. This is after one week of using SOOTHE.

Mercedes: "Here's my baby boy at 5 months old. His before and after pictures are a week apart. He was never officially diagnosed with eczema. His face is absolutely perfect now and we don't have to use soothe anymore unless he comes into contact with something that irritates his skin."

It's wonderful seeing the little ones getting relief. Soothe is a must have in every house. It's great for rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, sun burns, bug bites, and allergic reactions to name a few. HIT ME for promos and how to order it!

Bethany is the woman up top who got her post-allergic-reaction redness and peeling fixed fast. Also, a facebook friend, Ashley Covert (bottom photo), suffered from Psoriasis and got that fixed in 3 weeks using the SOOTHE regimen.

SOOTHE is designed to address skin issues like Psoriasis, rosacea, sunburns, bug bites, poison ivy, and just red, sensitive skin. Take the 60-day challenge! No risk in trying. Message me if you'd like more info. 

Bethany (top): "I had a crazy reaction and nothing the Doctors gave me worked, so I prayed for a miracle. The swelling went down fast, but my skin was peeling off and cracking like it had been burned. I used Rodan + Fields Soothe and the effects started reversing immediately!"

Ashley (bottom): "I received the product March 31, 2015. I started using it that night and then began using it twice a day. I used it on my face and my ears. About April 24th, my face was clear with just a little bit of dryness but that would go away after I put the product on. The second picture was taken on April 29th, 2015 with no makeup on my face."

This is for all my friends with little kids. As a parent of a 6 and 8 yr old, when you see your kid in pain, it pains you too, and you want to take their place. In case you didn't know, SOOTHE is powerful enough for us adults but gentle enough for the babies.

 IT'S GETTING ROASTY! 112 in Phoenix today and 115+ tomorrow! My calendar still says spring. PROTIP#1: Save energy and just fry eggs ON YOUR ROOF. PROTIP#2: Use SOOTHE to transform your sunburn into a golden tan. And, use REVERSE to delete any sun damage (or other dark spots) from summers past.

SOOTHE Experience
by Katie Schikora Davis 5/23/2015

"This is a scorcher -and admittedly this is me! I was out on a long run, sweat my sunscreen off and did not reapply. I KNOW BETTER! So I took this as my learning opportunity to experience the amazing benefits that the Rodan+Fields SOOTHE regimen has to offer. I applied SOOTHE 2 & 3 of the regimen that evening and 12 hours later late the next morning - voila! I was completely SOLD not to mention incredibly impressed. What was a fiery hue of red had transformed into a smooth golden bronze."

 This is Kelsey Grammer and Barrie Buckner's talented daughter, Greer Grammer. She is an R+F consultant and also announced as Miss Golden Globe 2015! Greer was interviewed about her fashion and beauty secrets and this is what she had to say about SOOTHE - it is truly amazing for sensitive skin.

 It's crazy how many harsh topical steroids are prescribed for our little ones everyday. Wish I can have all the moms give SOOTHE [steroid-free] a TRY before paying hundreds of $$$ at a dermatologist office AND getting their prescriptions filled!!! Here are Madison's words...

"Luke has severe eczema. He has been treated at dermatology offices since 4 months old. NOTHING has worked this good. I shared this picture to help save other parents and children this pain of eczema. He has gone through steroids, bleach treatments and EVERY anti-itch cream in the market! Currently, he uses every step (sunscreen only during day time) and love this sunscreen. It's perfect for his raw super sensitive skin....I'm literally in tears at how well this worked. Share and change lives!"

Message me if curious.

Can you imagine watching your baby suffer from psoriasis, eczema, rosacea or skin allergies? A teammate of mine, Tracy watched her daughter's constant cracking and bleeding. It was so severe their pediatrician recommended bleach baths and she was only 2!!! After trying everything, she tried our clinically tested SOOTHE regimen. In less than a month her daughter finally felt much better! SOOTHE to the rescue!