Monday, August 31, 2015


This is Christina. Her acne problems started after having kids and it got worse after age 30. Here's what she said:

"I hear many people complain of breakouts in their adulthood, many of whom never struggled with acne growing up. If this is you Unblemish will help. Since using this regimen back in August I have not had any breakouts, not even hormone related ones which I ALWAYS got monthly - sisters you know what I'm talking about!"

Along with Unblemish, Christina uses another powerful R+F regimen called REVERSE to take care of her sun spots and freckles. She lives in Hawaii and is under the sun daily!

 Two more beautiful women with great results using Rodan+Fields! Kristin D'Uva (top) used the REVERSE regimen to take care of sun damage and spots. Solid results after only 8 weeks. Chris Higginbotham (bottom) combined REVERSE with the REDEFINE regimen to attack fine lines and wrinkles too. She also used the Amp MD Roller (google it) to boost her results. Both of her pics taken without makeup under the same conditions 1 year apart. Dissatisfied with your skin? Pick a regimen (Unblemish/Reverse/Redefine/Soothe), use it for 60 days, and return it if unimpressed - empty bottle and all. No risk no pressure. Ask me about the free shipping and 10% discount. My snazzy portal for more info:

 This just in! We have another fellow R+F consultant reporting their 60 day results! This is Susan Whang and her story with the Reverse regimen + add-on tools. It's cool to hear as your friends one by one get excited about their skin. She looks amazing!

"People that know me very well know that you will only see me with a naked face when I go out to surf. I will not leave the house without foundation or BB cream because of freckles, brown spots, dull skin and uneven skin tones! I had good skin but had all these issues from being out in the sun over the years and it really bothered me. I used the Reverse Regimen and incorporated the AMP Roller, MacroE and Micro-dermabrasion Paste and the Redefine overnight restoritive cream. I LOVE my skin now and only use the mineral powder from R+F. I threw away all the foundations, BB creams, foundation brushes and sponges too!"

Message me if you'd like to try.

 Want results like this? Restore your skin from discoloration like dark spots, sun damage (freckles) and melasma - aka pregnancy mask. Erin Hahn is another fellow consultant who posted this on 2/5/2015 after 11 months using the REVERSE regimen:

"I was encouraged to share my own Before & After pics today! I took the after pic just a few minutes ago. Here is my personal testimony to Rodan + Fields Reverse regimen. I went to an event of a friend-and they had a sunlamp! You know, the black light effect that shows you all your sun damage? Yeah. I bashfully waited my turn as I told the girls around me of my old life-guarding and tanning days, trying to joke to lighten my embarrassment. It was then my turn-and in all honesty you could barely see a speck of white on my entire face. It was just too much! I was speechless! I knew it would be bad but wow!!!Pair that with my red blotches and obvious wrinkles (all caused by years of neglect)-I just knew if I didn't order the reverse I would regret it. But it's a big chunk of change-as many of you know!!!! I pondered the idea of how to get it without paying for it. I'm very frugal-and the cost simply wasn't in our budget. I wanted it for free! The only logical solution for me was to invest in the business, work my tail off and make the money back ASAP- (mind you, I don't ask friends to host parties and I don't stock inventory-huge pluses for me), and make enough each month to cover the cost. BAM! That was that, and I'm 11 months in-and I'm more excited about not only my skin, but the extra income it's given us! I can't wait to see what the next year brings for my R+F team!!!!! So here are my 'results' no makeup in either and I really tried to match the lighting."

See how quickly your skin can glow after 60-days, risk free! Message me to get started.

 Hi-def close-up pics such as these are awesome. Good lighting and not blurred. You can see every pore, tiny imperfections... and improvement! This is fellow consultant Stacie Kosaka Kamei and her 30-day results:
"Here is my skin after a little over one month of using R+F REVERSE with the AMP roller! I recently added in the MD Paste, which smoothed out my skin even more! I can't get over how smooth my skin feels and how even my complexion has gotten. All I need is a little powder and I'm out the door!"
Message me about trying it for 60 days.

 This is fellow consultant Brooke Schlenker Price, and what she shared on fb about her experience with sun damage and our REVERSE regimen:

"I'm excited to share my 9-month results using the Reverse regimen by Rodan and Fields! I've always been in the sun and have damage to prove it! For years I've tried countless other products and chemical peels that have never delivered great results. I still have more damage to repair, but love my results so far! My skin is smoother, brighter and I no longer use concealer to try and make the damage less noticeable! I love that R+F combines botanicals & other natural ingredients, such as licorice, mulberry, green tea & vitamin c along with REAL medicines to achieve TRANSFORMATIVE RESULTS. All photos are taken in the same lighting, have no filters, no edits & are without makeup!"

Message me to learn how to save 10-30%, free shipping and all that awesomeness!

 Huh.. so apparently Britney Spears claims to be a skin care junkie and raves about Rodan+Fields, and her Mom is a consultant too! Some time ago Britney tweeted to her followers (over 40+ million as of today) that she uses Reverse and Redefine (aka Anti-age) everyday. So she can afford to use ANY skin care in the world and she chooses and endorses R+F.. 'cause it WORKS! Thanks for the FREE Press Britney!

With all of the mentions in the top beauty magazines and celebrity endorsements, Rodan+Fields is not exactly a no-name brand. REMINDER: We're the 4th largest and fastest growing premium skincare brand in the USA - right behind Clinique, Estee Lauder and Lancome. Ready for the best skin of your life? Try it for 60 days!

 Don't feel like keeping your FRECKLES? Or have SUN DAMAGE you'd like to undo? This is Anne and her incredible results after just 2 MONTHS with the award-winning REVERSE regimen by Rodan+Fields. All R+F regimens are CLINICALLY PROVEN to give you results and are backed by a 60-day empty bottle return policy!

I have two family members, three family-friends, and a close friend all using Reverse and loving it! I'll help you order Reverse risk-free, with a 10% discount and free shipping, AND be your dedicated support rep. You won't get service like this from a department store brand! MESSAGE ME - I'll be more than happy to help you!

 Alright! So this is MY MOM. Her's is the first of a few before-after pics I'll be posting in the coming weeks of my peeps as they get close to 2 months of using Rodan+Fields. Hey, I'm only 3 months in.. so it's cool.

My mom has been using the Reverse regimen everyday and the Micro-dermabrasion paste 1-2 times per week - and this is SIX WEEKS in. She is so happy to see how those dark spots are fading away. She's now putting it on her arms too! Hey we have skin everywhere right?

I'm a very methodological/scientific type of person, and so I wanted to ensure the following: My mom washed her face clean of any product or foundation before I took the first pic and the same on the second. The lighting was natural sunlight coming in from the living room window so I ensured it was the similar time of day. The photos were taken at the same angle and proximity - so didn't have to rely on zoom potentially distorting the image. I used the same camera (my phone) on both pics. I'm very impressed with this!

I'm telling you my friends, R+F products are solid.. Clinically proven and award-winning and that's a fact. Try any product for a full TWO MONTHS risk-free or your money back. Got nothing to lose. Message me for more details!

 OK! This is Salena. She's one of my mom's Preferred Customers - and a very close family friend. June 7th - we met at my mom's home and I asked her to wash her face clean, and I took that before photo. Six weeks later (July 11th) we met again at my mom's place, she washed her face and immediately after I took the second photo.. under the same lighting and similar time in the evening. No need to talk spin or exaggerations here. You see the results. End of story.

Salena's prescription? The Reverse regimen. It's now July 25th and she still has a week before she decides to get a full refund (60-day empty bottle guarantee). Do you think she will reorder from my mom? There's no doubt. Message me for details about 10% off and free shipping.

 Former Penn State/NFL running back, Micheal Archie's results with Reverse. Not to mention he's a Lexus Achiever and Million Dollar Earner with Rodan+Fields! ANOTHER HAPPY HUSBAND RETIRES thanks this amazing business. Congratulations Crystal and Michael!
Check out what Crystal had to say below:

"When I say this business has CHANGED OUR LIVES!!!!! It's for real! This is my hubby's 2nd retirement! First one was unexpected with the NFL and definitely not our choice, but TODAY, this one IS, and we can't thank Dr. Rodan and Dr. Fields, our corporate dream team and our leadership enough! My handsome man is packing up his office today and is saying 'HELLO to TIME FREEDOM'!!! Loving that my baby will be HOME with me and the kids all the time and that we can live life on our terms!"

Crystal used to be a stay-at-home mother of 5 but when her husband's NFL career was unexpectedly cut short she needed a way to earn money without compromising her family life. Her success with R&F has made it possible for her and her husband to adopt a child from Ethiopia as well as sponsor children in Uganda and Haiti and giving towards other family adoptions.
Would an extra $500, $1,000 or MORE make a difference for you and your family? If your personal financial needs are met, would you love to have the means to give more freely of your time and money for the causes you care about? Message me and I can give you some more info.

How do you like your face-washing routine? This is Mary Beth Galloway after a year of doing her Reverse routine. Does your skincare do this? If not, we should talk. Caking on foundation and concealer is not a healthy long term solution.