Monday, August 31, 2015

Jason's Progress

 Hello Teammates - This is my mom, Chhuy Lim. She's busy everyday running her alterations and tailoring business. And, after hearing my goals with helping people via Rodan+Fields, she decided to join my team without hesitation! She loves helping people and loves how straightforward the business aspect is. It'll be fun growing this together.

 Great job Chhuy - aka Mom! Took her only five days after joining my team to find her first Preferred Customer. Great job! She said that despite not caring for social media, it will be no problem for her to connect "off-line" with people who are looking for good skincare. Help me congratulate her as we grow our team!

 Started on 5/1 and today got my first monthly R+F paycheck! More $$$ than I expected for mostly posting before/after pics and chatting with buddies on fb. It's enough to buy this 10" Asus tablet that I've been eyeballing. And, gonna get another paycheck from the full-time job in a few days. Two paychecks/month = WIN. I only just started with R+F and my team is still growing. Wondering how big my R+F pay will be next month. It's not too late to join me for June! Just sayin...

** HEY TEAM!! I'm curious what you will use your paycheck for this month and how long you've been with R+F??? **

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 Another R+F paycheck already? Can't believe it's been another month since the last one! This time this one's going toward the mortgage.

Quit WATCHING me make money and let's DO THIS together! I'd hate to see you miss out. There's never going to be a perfect time to do this. This is a learn-as-you-go business. So grab a kit, join my team, and I want to see you post about your first paycheck next month!

 Check this out. My dear Mom, Chhuy, just got PROMOTED to Executive Consultant! Pay RAISEEE!! Way to go MOM!! This Wednesday marks her first two months with Rodan+Fields. I'm so proud! And, excited at what more awaits her with this amazing opportunity. Good job Mom!

 I'm so excited to welcome the newest member to my team! This is Laura Koryciak!! I've known Laura and her wonderful family for many years as her computer guy. She is a very busy mom, working a full-time job - but is so impressed with our products and can see how Rodan + Fields will be her vehicle to finally live her life on her own terms. It's gonna be a blast now teaming up Laura!! We'll hit the ground running and aim for the sky! You deserve it!

 VERY AWESOME. Please help me welcome Kieng to my growing R+F team! She's a cousin of mine brought on board by my mom! Kieng is most excited about starting up on the REDEFINE regimen for her skin. She's been using Shiseido for a while, then Elizabeth Arden, but not seeing the results she's hoping. Kieng decided to be a consultant to lock in the steep discounts for the initial product kit as well as for future orders. Very smart! Stay tuned for some exciting before and after photos in a few months!

 WHOAA! Last Saturday my mom signed on a friend to Rodan+Fields with a consultant kit - and TODAY she's found another one! I'm very excited to welcome CHHOY to the team!! Awesome. Chhoy jumped at getting the consultant kit for the lifetime 25% discount and is anxious to use the products - especially the REVERSE regimen. And, being able to make a side income now doesn't hurt either! Welcome Chhoy - and awesome job Mom! (Her team is bigger than mine now.. when did that happen?!!!)

 OOH YEAH! Please welcome my man Ray! He's the most honorable and dependable dude I know! He takes great care of my computer clients AND his beautiful wife Donna - of course. But, you want to talk BUSY? Ray works TWO other jobs as well. He knows what it takes to succeed, but this time we'll be throwing in some Rodan+Fields to start leveraging his time to work smarter not harder. On the day he approaches me and says, "Yo Jay, I'm not taking any more of your client jobs cause I'm making enough from R+F!" .. it'll be all HI-FIVES! Welcome my friend! Now ready, set, go!

 CHECK OUT WHO JOINED MY TEAM! Michael Samad and I go waaay back .. highschool to be exact. Today he is a system admin in Scottsdale, a lifelong student of and Kyokushin Karate black-belt, honorable father and husband. Back in mid-June Michael messaged me about his wife Josie Rivera Samad, who wanted to try the REVERSE regimen - after seeing a few of my posts. Josie used it for a few weeks, loved the results, and realized she could get more with the consultant discount! While She enjoys the award-winning skincare, I'll be showing Michael how to use R+F to build a solid Plan B that can change his family's future in a few short years. Very excited for you Michael and Josie! This is only the beginning!

 This is Rodan+Fields paycheck #3. And as expected, it has grown BIGGER than my prior two paychecks. And, pay from full the time job will arrive in several days. TWO PAYCHECKS better than one! Opportunity is knocking... but won't camp at the door. Message me and I'll be glad to send you more info. PSY WILL SEE YOU NEXT MONTH.

Giving a shout out to my mom, Chhuy... she signed up another friend with a consultant kit just 2 hours ago! YOU'RE ROCKIN' THIS! It's the third person she's brought on to Rodan+Fields THIS month, and we're barely half way through LOL. Very proud of you Mom! Another bump on the commission checks for both of us.