Monday, August 31, 2015

REDEFINE (wrinkles)

 It's like time travel without the messy time paradoxes. This is Elise Kelly, an R+F customer who later became a consultant. Here's how she is aging backwards:

"6 month progress photo! Oct 28, 2013 - May 9, 2014. I am currently using UNBLEMISH in the mornings for acne control and REDEFINE at night for anti-aging. I use the Macro Exfoliator once a week, Redefine Multi-Function Eye Cream 2x a day, and the AMP MD a handful of times!"

Feel free to google the products - they are all over the internet with rave reviews. Message me for current discounts and promos. Don't wait until another 'expression line' appears in the bathroom mirror.

 AGING BACKWARDS. This is Jennifer Medi's 9-month results using Rodan + Fields:

"9 months ago, I started using R+F and had no idea how these products would change my skin and life. Decades of sun damage reversing without needles or surgery. These pictures are taken under very unforgiving fluorescent lights. It feels great to be turning 40 and be foundation free! I am most excited about what R + F has done for our family in a few short months! This business is the real deal and I would love to share it with you."

Despite being a busy mom of 3 young girls and a full time school counselor, she is an R+F consultant too and is thrilled with how her skin AND her family's financial future has dramatically transformed.

If you are noticing the signs of aging at your bathroom mirror - don't put up with it! Get started sooner than later. It's easier to fix fine lines BEFORE they turn into deep wrinkles. Message me!

This is Erika McKnight. She posted this on her Facebook page on 5/28/2015...
"Alright peeps, this is it. Me. ZERO makeup, NONE, ZIP, NADA, throwing it all out there for the FB world to see. I really thought this would come later and I would have time to work up more courage but it happened so much faster than I thought it would! Posting my naked face on a public forum is bad enough, posting a CLOSE UP of my naked face is even worse but let me tell you WHY I’m doing it…
Here’s the part where I could go into this whole long story about how I had to have surgery on my face when I was little and felt I had to wear foundation to cover the scars and go on and on about my insecurities, but the bottom line is I thought I looked ok for my age. I really wasn’t freaked out when I took the before pics because they were really just going to be for my own personal record so I could track my differences. I thought there wouldn’t be a super drastic change so my before and after’s wouldn’t be that big a deal. I thought this because I’ve hidden my face in foundation all these years. When I pictured my face, I saw me, in makeup, so I really just ignored what was underneath it. Come to find out, I looked TERRIBLE!! Not anymore…
These pics were taken in the same bathroom, same lighting, no flash in either one, same camera…I even took a second series of after’s because the first series I took was at night and I thought it may be playing a part in why the after’s look so different…like maybe being dark outside was making the lights seem brighter or something so I waited another day so I could take them again at the exact same time of day. I really wanted to make sure I was taking the exact same picture as I did in my before pic but I CAN’T duplicate it, MY SKIN isn’t the same! The color, the texture, the tone, the feel of it, everything about it is different. I CAN'T SHOW YOU AN AFTER THAT LOOKS LIKE MY BEFORE and people…THAT’S THE POINT!!!
Believe it or don’t, either way I still have skin I want to brag about and I’m not done yet. I have only been using Reverse in the am, Redefine in the pm and AMP roller with NRS 3x/week for 3 WEEKS!!!! I cannot wait to see how much better it gets in 3 months or even a year!!
You can decide for yourself with R+F’s 60 day empty bottle money back guarantee! I will personally help you send it all back and get your money back so you don’t have to go through the trouble. You won’t want to…"