Monday, August 31, 2015

REDEFINE (scars)

 I have acne scars on my chin, sides of my nose, and on my temples. Now with my acne getting fixed (via UNBLEMISH regimen), the REDEFINE regimen will tackle my battle scars next. The woman pictured up top got great results after just four weeks with the Redefine regimen - while also using the Micro-dermabrasion Paste. 

I also found that a FB friend of mine, Shweth Gupta Silver, used a slightly different approach and used the AMP MD Roller (google it) and Night Renewing Serum by R+F. Her before and after pic (bottom) was from 2014. It reduced the scars quite nicely! Shweth suffered with acne for 20 years. Almost as long as I have.

Rodan + Fields is serious stuff. These are the same doctors who created and also own Proactiv - the #1 selling acne solution globally to date. Now with clinical regimens like UNBLEMISH, REDEFINE, REVERSE, and SOOTHE, R+F is set to own the skincare and anti-aging market as well.

 Do you have acne scars? Now you can fix it. Message me about our 60-day Challenge! Try it risk free!

 Wow this is amazing.. our regimens are not only meant for your face, but anywhere you have skin! Here's another fellow consultant, Julie Veneziano Percival, who posted about her results on Facebook.

"Ok, here goes.... This is MY post partum belly. I'm incredibly nervous about posting this, but I'm also pretty darn proud. I had 3 c-sxns and my kids weighed 10 lbs, 9 lbs, and 8 lbs. The before pic was taken just over 1 month ago (Feb). The post pic I took this morning (March). Nothing has been photo shopped or retouched. These freakin' results blew me away!!! This is ME. No surgery. No lasers. Just some products brought to you by the same dermatologists that created Proactiv. What can this do for you? Nothing to lose except some wrinkles and loose sagging skin!!!"

No doubt this is a concern for many moms out there. And, even if you don't have this particular issue, imagine the results on your face and neck. Message me for more info.

 Test out R+F risk-free to see if you can get similar results! This is Barbie Porter and her results after 3 months. She used Umblemish, then the micro-dermabrasion paste, AMP MD roller, and night renewing serum. No need for expensive lasers or injections. Message me about current promos and discounts!

STRETCH MARKS!! Are those natural remedies (eg. Cocoa butter, potato juice, egg whites, lemon juice, olive/castor oil) just making you HUNGRIER rather than fading away those streaks and scars?

Message me and I'll direct you to a better solution that WORKS tailored to the condition of your stretch marks! Let me know if you have older scars that have already set in for a while, or fairly new marks that are still pink, or on firmer skin, more looser skin, from pregnancy or from weight loss, etc.

Try my recommendation for 60-days or your money back. Easy peasy!