Monday, August 31, 2015


A facebook friend posted her 15 yr old daughter's results after using the Rodan+Fields Unblemish regimen (what I'm using now) and the Micro Dermabrasion Paste. Definitely great results! Confidence and self-esteem are a big thing during our teenage years. I remember how it had impacted me. It sucks! Do you have a teenager struggling with acne? Message me directly if you'd like more info. I'm using Unblemish now for almost 3 weeks and getting solid results... before-after pics coming soon!

Here's another beautiful young lady who rescued her skin with UNBLEMISH and SOOTHE. Her name is Abbie and her results are undeniable. Here's her experience:

"I had relatively clear skin until I started my senior year of high school, and it all went downhill from there. I probably had spent close to $1,000 on various kinds of treatments, medications, soap, facials -- you name it. When I started R+F, it took me a while to believe that I would see results, as it got worse before it got better (spoiler alert: this is supposed to happen), however I would find myself excited to wake up and see how my skin was clearing even just over night. Today I am relatively free from the kind of breakouts I had for what seemed like forever, after just 5 months of using R+F daily. It is such a relief to know that I have found a product that actually works and knowing that this stage of my life is a thing of the past."

Abbie's story hits home for me too. I started on UNBLEMISH in mid-April for my cystic acne. And, I can tell you the results are solid. Instead of my average of 1-2 new pimples per day, I'm down to about 1-2 per week. My skin is finally able to heal up prior acne marks faster than new ones that come up. For me, that's crazy! This is coming from someone who failed through all the Retin-A's, antibiotics, Oxy pads, and TWO treatments of Accutane since my highschool years.

Whether you get those cute little blemishes or the monster cystic ones, you MUST give UNBLEMISH a try. This regimen was created by the same Stanford-trained dermatologists, Dr Katie Rodan and Dr Kathy Fields, who created Proactiv... you know, that one acne product that currently OWNS 90% of that market. UNBLEMISH is the next step and the only acne solution with the track record and credibility of Rodan+Fields. Hit me for current promos and discounts.

Melissa Melfit Joy is a personal trainer accumstomed to blocked pores from leading those sweaty workouts. With R+F, now her acne is optional! Melissa's results were after just 60 days of using Unblemish. Nice!

Here is another reason why I'm so proud to be part of Rodan+Fields! This is Andrew. Like many teens in his situation, Andrew's skin was deeply affecting his self-confidence. He's also a Cadet and his drill Sergeant is married to an R+F consultant - who got Andrew on Unblemish in 12/31/2014. Having given up on the antibiotics he was using, he decided it was time to get his life and confidence back.

Here are Andrew's results after about 4 months. His pictures speak volumes! Tell me that you don't only see different skin but a new young man. I love what Rodan+Fields can do for people. I thank Andrew for sharing his results, and I know that his story can help so many others see the real results that Rodan+Fields offer. Message me for more information.

Acne arises from similar mechanisms REGARDLESS OF YOUR SKIN COLOR. Hey - I'm an Asian guy and Unblemish is working for me too. In this day and age, acne is optional.
OPTION #1 - Fix it now (via Unblemish)
OPTION #2 - Fix it later (refer to Option #1)